Connor James Allen Project Site!

CJA Project Site

You're looking at it right now! This will be where I post coding projects I build. I hope to show off java script versions of some of the projects I build as well as links to my gitHub site to download my work.

  • Logic Gates
  • PFD Builder
  • Financial planning App

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Logic Gates

This is a simulation I like to build to get familiar with a programing Language. Here you'll find a download link for a .jar, and a javascript version of this project running on the page.

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Grocery Data Project

As an econ major I'm fascinated by prices and the things that drive them. There is a wealth of information when it comes to food and food prices. I was interested in finding out what relationships exist (if any) between nutritional content and the prices of food.

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IdeaSpace Progress Report

This is a project I did while I was on an internship in the Philippines at an awesome startup incubator called IdeaSpace. Here I've formatted data on the 30 companies in the ideaspace portfolio. This data came from interviews and surveys of the founders of each company.

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